- Cabins Cottages & Chalet Rental, Rockaway Beach
- Cable TV Companies & Services, Rockaway Beach
- Campgrounds, Rockaway Beach
- Carpet Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Rockaway Beach
- Carpet, Rug & Linoleum Flooring Dealers, Rockaway Beach
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Rockaway Beach
- Chambers Of Commerce, Rockaway Beach
- Churches 1 Of 3, Rockaway Beach
- City & County Government, Rockaway Beach
- Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Rockaway Beach
- Coffee & Tea Stores, Rockaway Beach
- Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Rockaway Beach
- Commercial, Industrial & Office Space for Rent & Lease, Rockaway Beach
- Communications Services, Rockaway Beach
- Community Church, Rockaway Beach
- Community Churches, Rockaway Beach
- Community Services, Rockaway Beach
- Computer & Software Stores, Rockaway Beach
- Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent, Rockaway Beach - Townhouses & Condos for Rent & Lease
- Construction, Rockaway Beach
- Consultants & Services, Rockaway Beach
- Convenience Stores, Rockaway Beach